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At Wholistic Integrative Wellness, we address mind-body-spirit health challenges and concerns with personalized comprehensive programs designed to fit individual needs and goals. We provide compassionate guidance and support through individual consultations, workshops, seminars, and educational events. Included among the acute and chronic issues we address through a biopsychosocial model are health maintenance and preventive wellness; nutrition and weight; the immune system; stress-related disorders; women’s health; digestion; skin problems; pain; substance dependency; energy revitalization; relationship disharmony; mood disorders; and grief. Wholistic Integrative Wellness focuses on the core causes of health imbalances and assists in restoring the mind, body, and spirit's natural balance through education, lifestyle changes, and behavior modification.




Wholistic Integrative Wellness was founded to provide simple, effective, lasting solutions and essential support for living a whole and vibrant life.


Wholistic Integrative Wellness recognizes the essential connection between ongoing day-to-day choices and the profound effects they have on our health and happiness.


Wholistic Integrative Wellness doesn’t simply provide a list of do’s and don’ts based upon the latest trends, we incorporate evidence-based methods and assist in developing the skills necessary to make behavioral changes which support results.


Wholistic Integrative Wellness honors that wellness entails integration of all aspects of the self – emotional, mental, physical, relational, and spiritual. The word heal derives from the word whole. Through self-awareness, compassionate acceptance, and nurturing care we are able to remember who we authentically are and to live healthy, vibrant, inspired, and whole lives.


Wholistic Integrative Wellness supports health through integrative and comprehensive programs and services that honor both the individual and collective experience. As such, Wholistic Integrative Wellness provides a variety of approaches for self-exploration, discovery, and growth.



“The greatest mistake physicians make is that they attempt to cure the body without attempting to cure the mind; yet the mind and the body are one and should not be treated separately!”

                        ~ Plato ~

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